The owners compile the extensive wine list to which they apply a maximum cash margin of £30. Scrubbed wood floor, blackboard with wine specials. Friendly staff. Private dining room downstairs. Wide range of wines by the glass from around the world served in 125/175ml glasses and nearly 300 bottles on their list which are moderately priced – including some older Bordeaux wines such as a Grand Puy Lacoste 1995 at £130 in the bar. They run a Wine School hosted by MW Tim Atkin which caters for beginners and intermediate wine enthusiasts. Wines are grouped alphabetically by region. Lunches feature a range of European dishes to which they append their wine recommendations. Inside is a wine shop which is being expanded to the web (perhaps by the time you read this). Eclectic wine list which is extensive covering France, Spain, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Italy and New World. Original.
7 St. John Street
London EC1M 4AA
Tel: 20 7253 8786
Monday to Saturday 1200 to 2300hrs
now, Sunday 1200-1600hrs